Thursday, January 26, 2012



The brain is your hardware which perhaps comes only loaded with BIOS and later on operating system is loaded by the society by various means without you being aware as you learn by imitation only and unknowingly the operating system gets loaded and is never displayed but acts from the background (sansakaras--subconsciousness) for the whole life.

Although your operating system  is being updated regularly but not in a systematic way as should have been as you are unaware of its loading and updating.

This is in contrast to computer where the operating is updated in a systematic way unlike ours.

The basis of operating system of ours and the computer both is same i.e. LOGIC.

So far as Anti-Virus software and other System tools like clean up, de-fragmentation software, etc. are concerned they are built in with operating system need to load from outside...although they are working, but not with full strength due to lack of your awareness..... only they require full activation i.e. you have to just come to know this fact ..that is all.

All the concepts/beliefs/ideas you have are nothing but data/impressions from outside you ...either others have put or you on your own have put...some are parts of your sub-conscious also (part of operating system--mainly put by others).

Your "unawareness (not knowing)" about the above facts is the root cause of all your misunderstanding especially knowledge/idea of yourself... labeled as Maya, Misunderstanding, Ignorance, etc.

If somehow (by outside input only) once you become aware of this fact all the system tools will start operating in full strength and there will be no scope of Maya, Misunderstanding, they are their due to our unawareness.

There may be a great role of biology too...but that is not in our control, hence not discussed.

But recent studies indicate that biology (genes) cannot be treated/ taken/ considered in isolation to environmental factors.

The above fact may help in arousal of DESIRE of "forgetting/ overcoming/ clearing/ unburdening" of all those concepts and beliefs (collectively known as samsakaras) which appear to be true because of your conditioning which is going on continuously from the very childhood without you being aware, when you had no option but to have those.

But once the seed/desire (although an imaginary one) is sown which in my opinion will act as the defragmentation and the anti-virus programmes and will finally be able to clean up the misunderstandings which appears to be existing because of not being aware of the purpose behind creation (was conceived by the conceiver) of all sorts of beliefs, faiths, concepts, ideas, imaginations, etc.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



Perhaps nothing is wrong with you right now.

How ?? let us see.

Whether right or wrong everything is of mind only.

The mind, if there is any, is never/hardly interested in facts.

It is always interested in something unknown and unknowable i.e. imaginations, dreams, ideas, concepts(with attachment), etc.

And such things (imaginations, dreams, etc.) are bound to continue as there is no way out from it too because this is the best/only exercise for the billions of idle neurons we have (it is said we don't even use 1% of our brain's capacity).

In the unknown generally the scientists (intelligent people) are interested so that a part of unknown can be brought under the purview of known.

While the rest (majority 99.99% of the so called civilised) whose basic needs have been fulfilled/secured are interested in unknowable (fictions/ imaginations/ideas like God, Soul, Enlightenment, Nirvana, etc.) with the help of the so called religions/spirituality due to a no. known/unknown factors (perhaps none of these factors is in anyone's control) continuously working.

And it will continue so till the happening of questioning of one's own actions (existential questions).

And the illusory mind is perfectly doing its assigned duty and in turn is helping in neurons' exercise.

Nothing can happen other than what is happening through you right now.

Hence nothing is wrong with you in any respect as body and mind both are perfectly in their own natural state.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012



This word is a misnomer. This gives an impression that there is some one who is going to realise something else...i.e. subject is going to realise an object. But this is far from the truth.

The self-realisation from different perspective means

""""knowing/realising the existential facts with full clarity that we are not only body-mind, but body-mind is included in us---we are whole""


"""Everything is happening on its own effortlessly, if at all there is anything happening"""


"""No one is doer(controller)----Doing is there , but doer is not - Buddha""".

But this "knowledge/knowing/understanding" must be getting reflected in that person's (realised) actions and should be felt by others too, otherwise understand that the mind is projecting pseudo-realisation and fooling the person concerned.

In a sense yes this is a process as this is a mental process because thinking is involved in initial stage.

But when """intelligence"" comes into play (which hardly comes into play) it starts happening/revealing automatically effortlessly.

Hence there is no step-by-step realisation. It happens suddenly as everything depends upon the intelligence.

What happens is that he/she is able to see everything(facts of life) "AS IT IS" without thoughts coming in between as filter happening like now.

It is easy as well as difficult both.

From the perspective of doing (yoga,meditation,etc.methods, ways...) in which knowledge of DOERSHIP has to be there, it is difficult.

But from the perspective of NON-DOERSHIP understanding (acceptance, non-resistance, etc.) , it is very simple.

Choice is yours in doership mode.