Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Can You Do Anything In The Moment Otherwise than What Is Happening Through You ?

Can You Do Anything In The Moment Otherwise than What Is Happening Through You ?

Is it not true that for,

whatever is happening through you in this moment'

there are a no of factors responsible (internal-inside body and external-outside body) ; some are known, but mostly unknown


perhaps none of them is in your control "in the moment" (as before you think the moment is gone--the moment can never be comprehended/caught by the brain-mind mechanism) ????

Hence there is no chance/possibility of doing anything by so called you otherwise than what is being done or happening through the so called your body-mind instrument.

Whatever you think you can do (thinking included) even in the name of so called holy business called spirituality/religion is nothing but all mind game, that too "happening on its own and consuming the vital energy produced by your body".

Basically the mind the illusory servant which is made up of outside stuff (impressions of experiences) which only appears to be existing, is getting entertained or  by all sorts of mental/physical gymnastics (either internally or externally) and is continuing its illusory existence .

In the field of spirituality or worldly affairs the results/expressions of all this mental or physical gymnastics have been given beautiful names like contentment, happiness, enlightenment, bliss, peace, calmness, self-consciousness, like that.

But the fact remains that you are not the doer as your existence itself is questionable whether you know or not, that does not matter.

Knowing/realising this very eternal/natural fact requires enquiry.

Hence logically it (the factual position) can be safely inferred that perhaps:


All Masters including Krishna in Gita are in agreement of this fact.

But to understand them (Masters sayings) you have to come out of beliefs/ conditioning.

Hence the practice of  


appears to be the most appropriate among all doings/methods/ways/practices

"if at all you can do (so long as the understanding of the above fact has not happened)" ,

because of the fact that

this is the least tiresome (unnecessarily consuming the body's energy) among all mental and physical gymnastics.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Maya---Atom Space














In mathematical terms my view on this is as under:

1. The consciousness is directly proportional to the amount of activity (flow of impulses/information) going on in the nervous system.

In a sense if we think that we are consciousness, then we are nothing but flow of measurable impulses in nervous system at subtle level and nervous system itself at gross level.

The consciousness is thus a byproduct of various activities going on inside the body and its quantity can be measured.

In a certain body if the amount of consciousness exceeds or goes beyond a certain level at a certain moment i.e. beyond threshold limit, the body becomes aware of itself. For example when we awake in the morning , when someone comes out of comatose state, when someone becomes aware of him/her-self after the effects of the drug/alcohol/goes away...etc.etc..

2. The consciousness is also directly proportional to the amount and level of smooth flow of energy in the body.

If the level of flow of energy is high in the energy body without any obstruction, then the level/amount of consciousness is also high which in turn gives rise to what is known as heightened level of awareness/alertness as the alertness/ awareness is again directly proportional to level of consciousness.

[Request----Please suggest to improve the above thoughts]

Monday, December 19, 2011



If it is true that the "nature has all the faculties as humans/animals have", which in all probabilities appears to be true, then it simply means every atom has all the qualities a human/animal has.

Further it means all the inanimate can listen, speak, think, see, have all types of feeling including touch and taste too.

By this fats many phenomena of the nature or in our life can be understood with clarity. For example the significance of Holy places.

Perhaps the only thing could be that the sense organs are not so separated as is the case with the animals.

Now correlate with the scientific discovery which says that "The functions of the sense organs are inter-changeable".

It means we can listen with the eyes, see with the ears, have the feeling of touch with eyes, etc.

It has been said in scriptures and proved by the science too that the eyes are the instrument with the help of which we see maximum i.e. with other sense organs also we see but the quantity is very less compared to the eyes. Similar is the case with other sense organs.

Sony manufactured a walk-man a long before the so called earphones of which are put on the jaw portion of the face not in the ear and you can listen to the music very well without using your ears.



WHY NOT ?????

[ GAIA Theory is based on this ]

Can it ever be logically conceived/said that a person,

who supplies certain item/quality to others,

will not be having that item/quality in the first place ?

Perhaps -NO.

Then applying this logic

can we say that

the nature which is the supplier of all of our body parts alongwith the mind,

is not capable of thinking, seeing, listening, touching, tasting, smelling, loving, reacting, being emotional,  etc.?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Karma and its related phenomena explained

Karma and its related phenomena explained

---Nisarga Raman

1. What is Karma ?

Karma is neither a theory nor an unfounded concept.

It is a concept representing the actual state of affairs felt/realised in a certain state of a human consciousness.

That realisation is "EVERYTHING IS JUST HAPPENING ON ITS OWN EFFORTLESSLY."--This is the state in which everything is including Karma Yogi.

Let me explain.

What is the karma of a tree?
What is the karma of the rock?
What is the karma of sun?
What is the karma of Earth?
What is the karma of other stellar bodies in the universe?
What is the karma of water?
What is the karma of fire?
What is the karma of space?
What is the karma of heart,kidney,lung,glands,etc. internal body parts?
What is the karma of soil?
What is the karma of chair,table,car,airplane,etc. all man made things?
What is the karma of all the creatures?
What is the karma of bacteria in our gut system and on our skin?
What is the karma of brain?
What is the karma of our motor organs?
What is the karma of mind,ego,desires and all related phenomenon?

Does the above list not cover whole of the universe except ""the awareness presence or our understanding""?

Can any one of them (whether man made or naturally occurring) go against their "nature or swabhav" (the duty assigned to them). Here nature means inherent qualities in relation to inside or outside of it and the word swabhav is true representative of the qualities. The duty assigned means the purpose for which they are made.

Is any of the above doing its assigned duty with a feeling of doership?

Hence Karma means the duty assigned and being done without a feeling of doership.

The above facts clearly show that karma, if at all it is construed as action, is a happening in which the question of expectation of fruits does not arise at all as there is no feeling of doership there in any of the cases listed above.

If the above facts somehow is felt/realised/understood by just being """AWARE of what is happening""" does one not come to realise that "EVERYTHING IS JUST HAPPENING."?

2. Karma Related Phenomena

The karma theory is applicable in case of ignorant only where feeling/knowledge of doership is present there.

This does not apply on enlightened ones as there is no question of doing on their part i.e. they have known that no one is doer.

There are a no of thoughts/desires continuously "appearing/coming/welling up" in the mind, but most of them remain unfulfilled.

There are two types of desires.

First is essential desires i.e. need based (food, water, air and sleep) and other is non-essential i.e. luxurious/greed based.

The desires related to need once fulfilled, one gets/finds himself free from that desire.

But that is not the case with luxurious desires.

Again luxurious desires are of two types.

The desires related to outer things (except food, water, air and sleep) and can still be fulfilled depending upon the resources.

But the other one which is the ultimate luxurious desire related to religion/ God/ spirituality can never be fulfilled.

The fulfillment of a particular desire depends upon fulfillment of a no. of factors/ favourable circumstances.

But most of them (factors) are either unknown (hence not in our control) and even if they are known most of them are not in our control.

But once a desire wells up in the mind an amount of energy is consumed for its creation.

It remains in a corner of mind (assumption) as impression so long as it is not fulfilled in totality.

Its impression gets annihilated only when it is fulfilled in totality.

As most of them remain unfulfilled they get stuck in the energy body and are known as knots or granthies in yogic language (bandhan).

This is called being entangled in karma (Karmo ka bandhan).

These knots are being regularly produced (except in deep sleep sate) due to our unawareness to the happening of these things inside.

They are not produced in case of enlightened ones as they are fully aware/alert.

Prarabdha is such accumulated bandhans (granthies) energy before happening of their enlightenment .

So they have to be got cleared of those granthies but feeling of doership has gone in them.

Hence they suffer as per our point of view.

Hence in my view the explanation of the karma theory in common parlance is quite a misunderstood/mis-interpretated explanation.

I request you all to correlate the above with various statements of Masters and suggest improvement.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Simply try to figure out or investigate "whether 'you' are doing any action or the action is happening through you". Perhaps nothing more is required to have clarity.

Another equally important simple tool is to investigate "Whether you are body or mind or both or none."

Does anybody hear us ?--A poem --Lucy

Do we even make a sound
When no one is around
To hear us sing?
Or does that logic only work for trees

If one were to fall in the forest
I’m sure someone would notice
But if you and I fell right here
Could you tell my dear?
And show me some concern
Over my dark and tainted words

Do I even make a sound
When no one is around
To read my words?
And express the things I can’t explain

Even the tree found a purpose
Branches tired, worn, an worthless
Just like the words I speak
Falling short and discrete
I leave the music to drive it home
Can you hear when I play it alone?

But the question shouldn’t be:
“Does anybody hear us?”
But, “Does anybody care?”

[From the wall of FB friend Lucy Dias]

Why not be judgmental

We usually read/hear from others that we should not be judgmental towards others.

But I don't understand what is harm in being judgmental.

In my view perhaps so long as we have the knowledge/feeling of separateness the tendency of being judgmental can never be avoided, at the most it can be suppressed which is worse than getting it expressed.

The state of non-judgmental happens when the knowledge/feeling of separateness i.e. power to discriminate vanishes.

This (non-judgmental) cannot be practiced.

If some one is practicing being non-judgmental understand that s/he is doing more harm to her/him-self in the garb of becoming something better.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Who we are ?

Who we are?

Let us try to find out intellectually who we are using the only instrument i.e. so called mind, available with us for anything (including so called spirituality)

About ourselves everybody of us have only two informations i.e. the body and the so called mind.

The third information like soul, self, Atman, Brahman etc. is nothing but concept may be names given out of fear of so called death or for other purpose about which everybody is not aware with.

This third element may be some presence which might have been experienced on individual level.

It is better not name it because that creates problem in analysis/enquiry.

The body has come first, and then the mind (the sum total of data and programmes) gets created/implanted in the body with the help of its sense organs for its smooth functioning in the so called world.

The question arises that are we body or mind or both or none or both plus something extra ?

Now Let Us Proceed :-

Are we body?

Let us analyse with the help of following facts:

A. The body is made up of food that it has consumed. The food has been prepared by the plants with the help of water, carbon dioxide, minerals from the soils etc. in the presence of sunlight. Are we water, soil, etc. so called panchbhoota?

B. If we would have been bodies there was no question of the so called death but the person is said to be dead even though his body is present.

C. The growth of the body from fetus to young is nothing but retention of some of the foods the body has consumed. Hence the body is nothing but food.
Are we food?

D. The foods that the body consumes are all dead as per our scientific knowledge and understanding. It means the raw materials from which the body is made up of are all dead ones. Nobody eats live foods. Even if somebody eats live food (sprouts, small live creatures, etc.) it becomes dead in the gut system otherwise digestion which is necessary for growth and functioning of the body, will not happen. Therefore logically speaking the final product cannot be live if the raw materials used are dead. Natural conclusion should be that the body is already dead. But this has been labeled as live only because of movement of its internal organs (heart beat, blood flow, etc.) and movement of motor organs. It can be compared with the moving electric fan. When the current is there the fan is said to be live and in absence of the current it comes back to original state i.e. dead or inactive. We may or may not be like the current in the presence of which the fan moves.

E. The body is made up of a no of cells and each cell is an independent life. If a person is body then he is a combination of trillions of independent lives somehow combined together may be because of certain natural programming. Organ transplantations, blood donation, invirto-fertilization, etc. are ample proofs. After blood donation or organ donation one does not feel that he has reduced. Similarly one does not feel increased after an organ is transplanted into his body.

F. In the body millions of cells are dying every second and millions are taking births every second. In every 7 year the whole body is almost new as no cell has life more than 7 years. Then what is the age of the body at any given point of time. Anybody can guess. 7 years.

G. Each cell of the body is made up of atoms inside which electrons are moving at the speed of light. Hence each atom may be termed as live as the movement is there inside. This is true for so called inanimate things also. The atoms can be converted into energy (e= mc2 ). It means body is nothing but energy. Are we energy?

H. Now the science is capable of producing a no of copies of the same body. Not only that designer baby concept is gaining ground where one can choose about the various qualities he wants to be present in his going to be born offspring. Many religious concepts which are basically superstitions will be wiped out.

I. The scientists are claiming on the basis of experimental results that within 20 years the technology will be available to make this body permanent i.e. immortal. The increased average age compared to 100 years back is the proof in this regard. What will happen to the concepts like rebirth and re-incarnation?

Are we mind?

Let us analyse with the help of following facts:

1. The small child has brain but not mind i.e. hardware with operating system but no data and applications programmes.

2. The mind starts developing with the help of inputs from the sense organs. The inputs may be given by others or taken by one’s own efforts. It means the source of whole of the contents of mind is outside. The data and programmes collectively called mind at any given point of time , grow as well as updated simultaneously. Therefore the mind is continuously changing without us being conscious/aware of that.

3. For survival of the body, the mind is not necessary. To survive this intelligent instrument (body) needs only five things which are:

a. Air (oxygen) , a gift from nature.

b. Water , a gift from nature.

c. Sleep , also a gift from nature.

d. Food , almost a gift from nature (we get a no of seeds/plants from one seed used for growing) but the body requires to do some labour.

e. The working mind inbuilt in all creatures, also a gift from nature.

Just imagine that if a child is provided all the above four throughout life without being given any mental input. Will s/he not be able to spend his life without mind ? May be not so smoothly. The mind is required only for verbal communications. The life as such is not bothered about the mind at all. Take the example of person lying on bed in coma. The life is present there keeping other vital organs active but mind is not functioning. Hence at a shuttle level or in another sense the mind is nothing less than luxury.

4. Every night this so called mind is almost absent especially in non-REM (no dream) state, but in that absence also the life which one is, survives . If s/he would have been mind he would have gone/died in the absence of the mind.

5. Nobody has ever created his mind consciously. That is why nobody can control the mind. The creation of mind starts in early phase of our life i.e. in childhood and its creation is not in our hand and we as child are handicapped due to absence of any such programme which can decide whether so and so inputs are worth taking or not. Therefore so many things are put inside this head without our consent. The tragedy is that we never become aware or alert even when we have fully grown up when something is either put into by others or when we put in at our own. We behave as an unconscious persons. We never think whether the data going inside has any relation with things needed to support the life as such i.e. air, water, food , sleep and working mind ,which are the only needs for survival of life which we are.

6. Till date the location of mind has not been found by the science. Sometimes questions have also been raised about the existence of mind itself by the so called self-realised persons. Saying are like “ Mind is a myth”, “Mind is an illusion” “Mind is nothing but a sum total of impulsive reactions depending upon the training the body has received”. In any research the person researching should be separate and different from the things to be searched. But here the real problem in the search of mind is that the very mind is searching itself. The same is the situation of all the seekers because they are seeking themselves which is naturally not possible. Not only that they are seeking the so9 called real with the help of the mind which itself is an illusion/unreal or does not exist as the so called Masters say. In Gita Krishna says I am beyond perceval of mind and the sense organs. But the tragedy is that we don't any other instrument for this purpose other than the mind.

7. The artificial intelligence has created a possibility that in future chips with relevant data will be implanted directly into human brain. No need to cram the books to become doctor, engineer, C.A., pundit, padri, mullah, etc. There will not be any vacuum created on the death of a great scientist or a poet or anyone because before he dies all the programmes and data will be copied and as and when required it will be pasted in a healthy person’s brain and he will start from there where the dead one left. Don’t take it as a fiction. It is going to be real in very near future because this idea is based upon the scientific developments in various fields especially artificial intelligence and computing being reported from time to time. Our brain functions exactly like computer or any other creature’s brain but perhaps because of the so called self consciousness we consider ourselves better than other creatures.

Make Enquiry

Don't waste energy into finding out meaning of abstract words like God, Soul, Self, Atma, Guru,etc. as they are not going to help you in any manner. In fact they will unnecessarily consume your vital mental energy.

Simply ask and make enquiry of only two existential questions:

1. Are you body ?

2. Are you mind?

If you succeed in getting clarity/knowledge/understanding of only these two questions, that will be sufficient to make you free from all other questions because these two are parent of all the questions in the existence as you can imagine.

Meaning of clarity/knowledge/understanding---If you have really known then that understanding must be reflected in your day to day behaviour in relation to animate and inanimate both.


"The chintan (thinking-contemplation) which was prevalent in ancient India (including Upanishadic period ) that gave rise to many scriptures (full of wisdom), should get re-initiated/triggered in India which somehow stopped with passage of time "

------This was one of the missions of Osho which he expressed during one of his discourses.








Unless and until the consciousness in the form of mind is not challenged with anything (situations/events/questions/awesomeness/etc.) from outside perhaps no worth/valuable can out from the unknown as chintan (contemplation/intense thinking) does not get triggered.

This happens especially when the challenge comes unexpectedly/sudden.

The Upanishads came into light only because of questioning the Rishis by the disciples.

The Gita came into light only because of questioning Krishna by Arjuna.

The books that we read of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Shri Ranjitji Maharaj both disciples of Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj have come up only because of questioning by the seekers.

Almost 50% what Osho said came out of questioning by his sanyasins or seekers.

A substantial part of literature of Shri Raman Maharshi that we read, have come out because of questioning by the seekers.

The majority of books of Modern Masters have also come up and are coming up due to questioning only.

Many of the scientific discoveries have also happened when the mind got challenged.

Hence, in my view :

1. You must ask question as much as you think of and at the same time get questioned too by others as the questions are capable of making you mature (uplifting your understanding/consciousness).

2. Never get hurt if some one puts questions before you. In fact you should be thankful/grateful to the questioner as s/he has provided you an opportunity for looking / inquiring inside you as you have forgotten yourself.


You cannot pretend in two situations as the interference of thoughts get minimised.

1. When you (mind) are totally agitated or get a sudden shock

2. When you are drugged/semi-unconscious (narco tests, lucid dreaming, etc.)

The real Masters cannot drug you, hence they choose first option i.e. how to make your mind agitated.

They want to give a shock so that something can happen. How , is left to their temperament.

Here you feel hurt as ego is always getting anti-dotes.

In contrast to real ones the fake Masters use method of persuasion.

They are not interested in shock therapy as they don't want to see you progressing, because their whole business is based on your unconsciousness/ misunderstanding/ ignorance. There you don't get hurt and you go on enjoying your unconsciousness.

Choice is yours.



One the one hand the Gurus/Masters goes on saying that don't hurt anyone and on the other hand simultaneously preach that ego is the root cause of everything.

Can you see the contradiction in their statements ?

By suggesting not to hurt someone, are they not un/knowingly preserving/protecting the ego of the person getting hurt as what/who is there to get hurt other than the person's ego itself ?

In my view the person getting hurt should be thankful/grateful to the person who is making him/her feet hurt because this hurt is giving an opportunity to the person to enquire whether he is living as ego or not.

The life as such can neither hurt anyone nor can got hurt by anyone as there is no one there to get engaged in such act.

Hence, whenever you feel that you have been hurt wait for some time without reacting then perhaps understanding will dawn upon you that the nature has provided you an opportunity to start your journey towards your heart i.e. to know the load you are carrying thinking as valuables and unburden yourself from that.

Never miss such opportunity.




We have given undue importance to our various labels like name, degree, designation, etc.

The state has reached to such an extent that we identify ourselves with these labels.

What worst tragedy could have happened with us more than this.

There is no denial that they (labels) do have utility value and should be used just like any other tool we use as and when required basis.

Simple recognition/awareness of this fact puts you in the natural state for which you are trying hard through various material, religious and spiritual ways, but in vain.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011








Unless and until the consciousness in the form of mind is not challenged with anything (situations/events/questions/awesomeness/etc.) from outside perhaps no worth/valuable can out from the unknown as chintan (contemplation/intense thinking) does not get triggered.

This happens especially when the challenge comes unexpectedly/sudden.

The Upanishads came into light only because of questioning the Rishis by the disciples.

The Gita came into light only because of questioning Krishna by Arjuna.

The books that we read of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj and Shri Ranjitji Maharaj both disciples of Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj have come up only because of questioning by the seekers.

Almost 50% what Osho said came out of questioning by his sanyasins or seekers.

A substantial part of literature of Shri Raman Maharshi that we read, have come out because of questioning by the seekers.

The majority of books of Modern Masters have also come up and are coming up due to questioning only.

Many of the scientific discoveries have also happened when the mind got challenged.

Hence, in my view :

1. You must ask question as much as you think of and at the same time get questioned too by others as the questions are capable of making you mature (uplifting your understanding/consciousness).

2. Never get hurt if some one puts questions before you. In fact you should be thankful/grateful to the questioner as s/he has provided you an opportunity for looking / inquiring inside you as you have forgotten yourself.

Monday, September 26, 2011



If the God is considered as mere presence (in reality this was the concept of God of ancients and all others, who are awakened), then--

Is it not the intrinsic "power of non-discrimination ('non-differentiating among its objects of actions'---in a sense just 'witnessing presence' )"---

which is so strikingly/obviously ever present in each and every conceivable part (even at energy and consciousness level) of the universe/nature,

except perhaps only in illusory human mind ?

Self Assessment on FB


What I (others also) have watched that when some one posts he/she expects the "Like" button to be clicked. Perhaps never wants to be questioned on the post i.e. does not want to be challenged.

If not clicking "Like" button, then at least he/she expects that comments on the post should commensurate with the post.

And the persons clicking the "Like" button and posting confirming comments are thanked immediately.

Here lies the key so far as Self assessment on FB is concerned.

Let us analyse "HOW".

1. The consciousness of the person (who posts) by getting affirmation by way of clicking "Like" button by others, does not change for better i.e. his/her ego gets slightly strengthened.

2. The consciousness of the person (who posts) by getting his/her posts confirmed by way of commensurable comments , does not change for better i.e. his/her ego gets more strengthened.

3. The consciousness of the person (who posts) when challenged and questioned by others, has a chance of betterment as ego gets rubbed/challenged/discomforted i.e. his/her ego may get weak (annoyance/irritation/reaction--are the symptoms) which is the prime purpose of Religion/Spirituality.

One should be more thankful to 3rd category of the persons compared to category 1st and 2nd, because of them only one is able to assess oneself (what is the level of his/her ego) as posts and comments are the only things available on the FB.



Once there was a Fakir who used to beg daily at the gate of a mosque.

While begging he used to continuously repeat “JO DEGA USKA BHLA AUR JO NA DEGA USKA AUR BHI BHLA” i.e. “Blessed are those who will give and more blessed are those who will not give”.

A person (who must have been an intelligent one) was watching this for many days.

He was very puzzled about what the fakir was saying. He could understand about the blessings for those who were giving something to the fakir, but could not understand the later part i.e. more blessings to the persons who were not even looking towards the fakir, forget about anything giving to him.

One day he could not resist himself and thought to get this riddle (JO DEGA USKA BHLA AUR JO NA DEGA USKA AUR BHI BHLA) explained/solved.

So he went near the Fakir and said to the him that he could understand the first part i.e. “JO DEGA USKA BHLA” (Blessed are those who will give) , but he could not understand the logic behind second part i.e. “JO NA DEGA USKA AUR BHI BHLA”( more blessed are those who will not give).

The fakir said "The people of the first category are always helping me in taking care of my body, but the people of second category are helping me in assessing and eradicating/erasing my ego by way of mirroring me, hence they are more dear to me. Because erasing the illusory part is more important for me in  towards realising myself i.e. erasing the illusory veil between myself and God."

The fakir further said that "Giving thanks to the first category of persons is normal and natural, but I am more thankful to the people of second category but because of them only I am able to know the status of my of ego which gives more troubles me more than my body, although that (ego) is illusory."

Sunday, September 25, 2011



[Re-posting for improvement and reconsideration]

1. The consciousness is directly proportional to the amount of activity (flow of impulses/information) going on in the nervous system.

Hence, in a sense if we think that we are consciousness then we are nothing but flow of measurable impulses in nervous system at subtle level and nervous system itself at gross level.

The consciousness is thus a byproduct of activities (impulses) going on inside the body and its quantity can be measured.

In a certain body if the amount of consciousness exceeds or goes beyond a certain level i.e. threshold limit, the body becomes aware of itself. For example when we awake in the morning , coming out of comatose state, when the effects of the drug/alcohol/ etc. goes away.

2. The consciousness is also directly proportional to the amount and level of smooth flow of energy.

If the level of flow of energy is high in the energy body without any obstruction, then the level/amount of consciousness is also high which in turn gives rise to what is known as heightened level of awareness/alertness as the alertness/ awareness is again directly proportional to level of consciousness.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

There is a great difference between understanding and knowing.

There is a great difference between understanding and knowing.

1. Understanding is only intellectual (good programme of the brain/mind) while knowing is experiential (bodily-but only registered by the brain).

2. Understanding is mental phenomenon which depends upon the data and good programming(software), while knowing is non-mental and has nothing to do with software other than the operating system needed just to register the experiential happenings.

3. When two knowers meet there is nothing to interact, but when two intellectuals (who have understood) meet they cannot remain without interaction.

4. The intellectual may be the best teacher possible, but may not be a knower.

     Similarly the knower may not be even a good teacher.

5. The same person who can be intellectual as well as knower (flowered intelligence) is a rare phenomenon.

6. The results expected may not be seen/visible in case of the intellectual, but perhaps it (result) is guaranteed in case of the knowner.

7. Knowing automatically puts you in the state of acceptance which is natural, but if you think that understanding has put you in the state of acceptance then understand that this is just appearing /superficial / practiced.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011




Let me try to explain it.

Truth as we know in day to day life is always relative.

Forget the so called spiritual Truth, if there is any, for the time being.

What is the meaning of truth?

It simply means that “after knowing which the desire to know/understand a particular desire of knowing/clarification “fades away or is no more there”.

It is like fading away of thought of hunger (feeling hungry no more) after having meal.

This applies to all types of truth including spiritual one, if there is any.

Just for the purpose of understanding I am considering following types of truths, before I conclude.

Please bear with me.

1. Conceptual truth—Which has no existence of its own but is very helpful in communication. Example are- All alphabets/words/phrases/senten​ces. Further the alphabets/words/sentences are interpretations by the brain cells of various impulses being continuously involuntarily (nobody has control over that) fed to the brain cells. Hence whatsoever has been spoken or written on any subject till date are concepts only. All experiences, howsoever holy they may be, without any exception are interpretations by the brain only which get expressed later on in the form of thoughts. Such thoughts generally do not require much discussion for understanding purpose. But updating must go on.

2. Objective truth—The things which can directly or indirectly be perceived by sense organs. They are existential truths and normally do not require discussion.

3. Logical truth — The results which are very much objective truth but how it has been arrived/resulted are not known at all. To understand this situation (how) there come a no. of theories/principles/concepts with the help of which we try to logically understand the process/path involved. Whether these concepts are correct or not is immaterial. This mostly applies to science and also in day to day discussion when we try to guess. This is always subject to discussion in the light of better proposals and are being updated too.

4. Agreed truth- This covers our languages/expressions of communication. For example --This is tree, this is sun, and moon, air, etc. like that — This normally does not require discussion.

5. Localised truth— The thoughts agreed between two or more but not accepted by all. This is also subject to discussion and for the time being discussion comes to end also.

6. Universal truth—The thoughts which have been accepted by the humans as a whole. This does require discussion from time to time in the process of updating. This normally does not require much discussion.

7. Spiritual Truth--These thoughts may be coming out of experiences, but are purely subjective and affected by conditioning too. They can never be proved and accepted by other by any means whatsoever.

Now come to the point:

Is it not true that without the activities of brain cells neither anything can be experienced nor expressed as either sound or written words or in any way like that ?

Is it not true that none of the desires/thoughts is ours? --They are just subtle expressions (in the form of reactions) of life itself which is expressed in response to outer/inner circumstances supplying stimuli  ?

Is it not true that all what we are discussing are only because of the training imparted to the brain cells?

Is it not true that in all the states of awareness(except deep sleep state i.e. non-REM sate) we are "unconsciously/unknowingly" engaged in trying to "get rid of/free ourselves from" thoughts/desires (spiritual thoughts/desires included) by way of fulfilling those thoughts/desires which are continuously welling up/appearing in our 'mind/consciousness' ?"

Take simple examples to understand this happening.

In the morning after waking up "a thought" related to "having a cup of tea" appears and it gets expressed when we ask somebody “whether tea is ready?”

If the answer comes “yes” then that thought (“having a cup of tea”) gets annihilated/fulfilled and we become free from that thought/desire.

If answer comes “no” then another thought appears and gets expressed as “what is the problem?”

It (the next thought) again gets annihilated/fulfilled by another answer and we become free from that thought/desire again.

This series of processes (appearing of thoughts/desires--expressing/t​hinking of thoughts/desires--getting freedom/relieved from thoughts/desires) goes on continuously without any break even for a second/moment as long as we are awake or in dream, albeit without we being/remaining aware of such happening.



1. The whole purpose of discussion (inside or outside, inside means thinking or outside means interacting with others) on any thought is to come to a common understanding (when one does not feel the need of more thinking or interacting as one feels satisfied because the force behind the desire to understand comes to not) and in that process one gets/finds oneself free from the action of that particular thought, albeit most of the time we are not aware about this desire of getting freedom.

But this is temporary relief from discussion because in light of some better inputs later on, this may get started again and may come to a temporary end again. This series of start and end continue.

2. But the problem with so called spiritual or religious thoughts is that they being perhaps purely conceptual and subjective/individual cannot survive without discussion and are never ending too. This gives the maximum ego satisfaction and  the never ending so called bliss/ananda/ etc.

3. “””Hence truth does not require discussion and which is not truth cannot survive/exist without discussion.””

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Spiritual Quest

If you really want to quench your so called spiritual thirst


first see where this (thirst) stands in your priority list of life.

Go wandering in spiritual market which is quite large.

Don't worry if you get sometimes or many times cheated in this wandering.

And by this (cheating)

you will become mature enough to decide your own course of action.

The real testing ground of anyone's ego is the group, not the wall.

The real testing ground of anyone's ego is the group, not the wall.

The posts and comments on one's wall are restricted to his/her friends and is like a secluded place where the ego is in fact strengthened,


the group is like market place where there is a mixed bag of persons and one's ego is continuously being challenged.

In my opinion unless and until the ego is challenged understanding which is perhaps already there can never be recognised/realised/known.


Mucus in Stool

(A Very Common Problem)

Let me start some common health issues and share my some personal experiences which may benefit a no. of people.


1. Take -----2" x 1" of Cinnamon (Dal Chini), 5 pieces of Cardamom(Ilaichi) green, 5 pieces of Clove (Lavang) and 200 ml. of Limca (lemon carbonated soft drink)

2. Have all these in mouth at a time chew them thoroughly and gulp with the Limca.

3. Take the above for once in a day at least one hour after meal preferably dinner for 7 days and see the miraculous result.

From the wall of Kora Koos (One of the member of the Happening Group)

From the wall of Kora Koos (One of the member of the Happening Group)

[Worth Reading]

Kora Koos posted on his wall:

"Give me only the basics! I'll look for the details on my own!" asked a friend all of a sudden. "First, you are alive. You are conscious of experiences. You are conscious because you are aware or you are present to what is happening in experience. You are aware because you are awake whether totally, partially or residually. You are not aware/conscious when you are asleep or unawake but still you are alive. So you are basically alive whether awake or unawake...

Everything in experience rests on this aliveness, from which both awakeness and sleep arise and subside. Consciousness and its contents (including the ego) rest on awareness, awareness rests on attention or awakeness. The quality of the flow of attention influences everything within its embrace: awareness and consciousness. Total attention yields total awareness and consciousness. Partial attention yields partial awareness and consciousness. Residual attention yields residual awareness and consciousness as in dream and absorption. Absence of attention flow results in absence of awareness and consciousness along with its contents. Total attention is total communion with aliveness, which is ever-whole, ever-perfect, prior to any arising in consciousness and ulterior to any subsiding in consciousness. It is the ground of all states of consciousness, awareness and attention. The ground is total rest, which embraces total activity unconditionally just like a dreamer embraces the dream experience totally or the sleeper embraces the sleep experience totally."

"Total attention rests naturally on the ground consciously while total inattention (sleep) rests naturally on the ground unconsciously. In total attention one is the Now, the power of the Now as both total rest and total activity, ever-whole, ever-perfect. Beyond this nothing can be said. Still, whatever is said is not the truth but an expression, a story, a theory in consciousness when apprehended through partial or residual attention..."

Self-realisation is free but not cheap. One has to pay ATTENTION and invest one’s full conscious PRESENCE to what is happening in and as the Now.

Nisarga Raman----All statement except last one , are to the point. You say ""Self-realisation is free but not cheap. One has to pay ATTENTION and invest one’s full conscious PRESENCE to what is happening in and as the Now."------------Does this not presuppose the presence of one who is giving attention to something other presence. Subject and object. Especially when you are saying to give total attention( invest one’s full conscious PRESENCE). I think it is impossible as an act/doing. Perhaps you may be trying to express that "this total attention" happens in the process. Am I right Kora Koosji ?

Kora Koos-----"I think it is impossible as an act/doing!" Yes, thought can not do that, if thought will act or do anything, it will be tantamount to partialisation of attention through focussing, segregating, etc on the basis of its schemas and habits. When thought releases the energy of attention, then attention is free to be fully present to itself as the Now. This is very difficult to put into words!

Thought, as an element arising within attention/awareness/consciousness, cannot act; it simply reacts on the basis of its background, dominant contents and templates. Thought can not pay attention; this is not its natural action or function. Instead it steals or captures the energy of attention for its operations. Only attention can pay attention and when its energy is not stolen and squandered by thought reactivities, then it is free to be action fully present to its all-embracing action/function of creating awareness and consciousness of the Now, which is an expression of itself. So at any moment, one can either react as a thought-arising or simply pay attention and be fully present to oneself as attention. So one's action or reaction at any moment is indicative of one's position either as reactive thought or active attention.

Ruth Spooner--- Wonderful.....from no words to limitation of words never easy.....♥



Why people are interested in miracles I don't understand.

I can understand the situation of poor people, uneducated people, downtrodden people, like that.

But what about the so called educated/elite/intellectual people who still go on believing in miracles despite many scientific revelations and developments the benefits of which we are enjoying.

We believe in miracles, but not in the science and the scientists.

What a tragedy !!

Body living in the moment , but we(mind) still believing in the prehistoric concepts.

Are we really sane ?

There is no miracle in the nature. If at all it is everything of the nature is no less than a miracle if we apply a little bit of intelligence.

They cannot see that their body itself is the greatest miraculous instrument of the nature. Can there be imagined more miracle that the breathing which is going on its own.

This belief in miracles or any unfounded belief (illogical not supported by any evidence directly or indirectly) is one of the major factors contributing to the suffering in the world today.

Come out of the web/illusion of miracles/beliefs and have belief in reason and logic upon which most of the worldly functions are going on actually.



Is it not true that we go on discussing on so many abstract words which are giving foods to thought only ?

Is it not true that we never decide what to take into through the sense organs ?

Is it not true that we go on accumulating all sorts of thoughts unconsciously or in mechanical way ?

Is it not true that if something goes into mind there is no way out to flush it out in contrast to the body where there is all possibility of flushing out ?

Is it not true that we are very choosy when it comes to purchasing something in the market ?

Is it not true that we are known in this world/society by our bodies only ?

Is it not true that this beautiful instrument called body is not interested in any of our any of the ideas at all ?

It is interested in its own survival only.

For survival only four items are needed.

Air, water, food and sleep.

All items except food is almost free.

Further for breathing the air and sleep we are not required to make any effort. They happens on their own.

We (body-mind) are supposed to make effort only to put water and food.

So far water is concerned we show utmost care, perhaps because of its simple chemistry and wider availability.

But what about food ?

Do we ever think whether the food we are putting into the system is at all suitable for the body or not ?

Have we ever tried to interact with this beautiful instrument which is basically the repository of all our intelligence ?

The taste is just an experience and is momentary. This cannot be made the criteria for deciding quality of food. The taste or any experience just give an indication of our presence by way of reaction, nothing more.

We go on putting food just like putting the thoughts in our mind unconsciously in mechanical way.

Why the food from which we are made up of , should not be given the most important attention ?

If we cannot give this needed attention, then we are not grateful to this body at all.

And if we are not grateful to our own body by which we are known, then perhaps we cannot be grateful to anyone in this world.

Upanishad has declared: ANNAM BRAMHAM (FOOD IS GOD)

Real Story

Real Story

Once one of my friend was taking class as a lecturer in a college when I went to meet him.

After he finished his lecture we started chit chat.

During our discussion he said something amazing.

He told that after his lecture got over, he asked the students "Whether they could understand or not ?"

He was surperised to see that everybody nodded in affirmative.

I asked "What is unusual in that. Since they understood, they nodded their head in affirmative."

My friend said that that is not the case.

He further said " Till date if I have not understood the topic on which I gave lecture in the class, how the students can understand. This is puzzling me."

Perhaps this is the situation with spirituality and religions. People go on giving sermons without understanding what they are saying.

Lucy Dias Wall

Each new day is a new beginning-

-to learn more about ourselves,

-to care more about others,

-to laugh more than we did,

-to accomplish more than we thought we could,and

be more than we were before.

Lucy Dias

Teachers, Gurus, Priests, Lamas, Rabbis, and others

Teachers, Gurus, Priests, Lamas, Rabbis, and others

Pure Silence, the ineffable, unknowable, the uncontained reality of this moment is freely given to all beings.

There is nothing you can do to captivate it or coerce it.

It is beyond capture or manipulation.

It is the truth, the essence of being; it is love itself.

It is you, right now: pure, free, simple, unencumbered by thought, emotion, the past or the future.

You are this inexpressible wonder itself.

Please know this with all your being.

Others would tell you differently and they have and they do.

Do not follow them.

Do not follow anyone who says that he or she has the answer, the whole truth.

The truth is not contained in any person, religion or ideology.

The truth is freedom itself, and it is within you already.

Perhaps the teachers, gurus, priests, rabbis, lamas and others in the world may have a glimmer of truth to share (and this is a very, very small minority of them) and if they are sincere and are compassionate, you will resonate with them.

You will know in the fabric of your being itself.

If they have any credibility at all they will merely be pointing you to a door: the door of your very Self, your own mind, heart, soul, whatever.

They cannot enter with you.

They cannot take you through.

They dare not try to charge you money for that or take anything from you, including your sexuality, your free will or your trust-that is an abomination!

As a matter of sad fact, some of them do not even know the door itself or where it is located.

Some are so hurt within themselves that they are in desperate need of compassion, of love, of acceptance; they will do or say anything to receive this.

Some of these teachers believe in themselves so much, they have lost the glimmer of truth itself. Please listen to this now.

These teachers:





(Stepping down from the soap box)

I hope you heard that loud and clear.

You do not need a teacher or guru.

You do not need to follow a practice, to meditate, to say a mantra.

You do not need to attend a church or a synagogue.

You do not need to repent, to confess anything to another human being.

You do not need to say prayers at certain times, on certain days, in certain places.

You do not need to kneel to anyone.

You do not need to follow rules and regulations and theologies or dogmas.

You do not need to give money to any group, or cause or offer tithes to anyone.

You do not need any sacraments or blessings.

You do not need to read the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, the Gita, the Tao, the Gospels, the teachings of Buddha.

No, sorry, my dear friend, this is all a big ruse, a big mistake.

Without your money, without your blind obedience, these religions, teachers and traditions would fade into nothingness.

No, there is nothing you need at all.

You are that to which all these traditions, all these teachers, all these words are pointing.

You are the sacrament of the divine.

You are the sons and daughters of God.

You are the Buddha.

You are the Christ.

You are the chosen.

You are redeemed and saved already.

You are forgiven.

You are!

If you stop, right now, this moment, everything, and see what is still there, what is always there in you, through you, with you.

You will see that to which all these people, traditions and religions are pointing: your very Self in Pure Silence.

In that is your freedom.

In that is your teacher.

In that is your destiny.

Freely given to you through your own self - this moment!



Is it not true that we come to know that you "exist" only by the "feeling of the reaction" (either inside the body or outside the body) which happens in response to our action (doing anything) in the moment ?

Is it not true that only the moment exists if at all it is considered as time ?

Is it not true that in the moment there is no option for us other than what we are doing [what is happening through us (body-mind)] ?

If we cannot do other than what we are doing in the moment


only moment exists for any doing,


logically speaking our knowledge/feeling that we do becomes questionable


further raises a big question about our existence itself.



What I have observed


people in all the so called groups which are engaged in so called spirituality under various umbrellas (name of the groups),


interested in giving/suggesting solutions (DO'S AND DON'T DO) rather than than "asking/ knowing/ inquiring"


the beauty of all this act is that perhaps they themselves don't know or don't have clarity of their own or borrowed comments


it becomes evident when clarification on some points related to their statements are asked .

But perhaps one obvious benefit one get by this is that their illusory EGO gets strengthened.


Rebirth (Reincarnation) Explained


Rebirth (Reincarnation) Explained

Basically thoughts representing unfulfilled desires take birth in order to get themselves fulfilled.

The Concept:

The thoughts are subtle form of life.(concept)

All the forms of life want to continue itself (jiveshna) i.e no one wants to die.(fact)

But for that (to continue) energy is required.(fact)

And to produce the energy needed a proper instrument is required.(fact)

But the trouble with the thoughts (although they are subtle form of life) is that they do not have instrument to produce the required energy for their continuation/survival, but have the basic desire to survive.

Hence they become parasite and thrive on our energy.(perhaps true)

Perhaps that is why the average brain although being only 2% of total body weight consumes 20% of total energy produced by the body (medical facts).

What happens in the end (at the time of death) is that a no. of desires remains unfulfilled.(concept)

And all these desires try to continue its life but the instrument supplying the needed energy is no more working.(concept)

Hence they start searching for a suitable body in order to complete their life cycle.(concept)

Some of them or all of them (who knows) get body in the womb.(concept)

When the child comes out from womb he does not remember the thought/desire which caught this new instrument (child's body) because of nature's mechanism of placing those thoughts in unconscious part.(concept)

Perhaps sometimes due to fluke of the nature the thought slips into conscious part i.e. the conscious part formed in the body touches the unconscious part where the desire which caught this body is present there trying to somehow get itself fulfilled and one(brain) starts remembering his earlier birth because of the fact that the unfulfilled desire is related to other thoughts of those time/that of previous instrument.(concept)

The above should be taken just as concept to understand the phenomenon of rebirth (reincarnation).

It is like when we were in the school we used to take x=5 at the initial stage of solving a mathematical problem.

In the end x was not found there.

The above concept is like X, but perhaps is able to explain the intricacies of this phenomenon without contradicting many other statements (so called truths) related to life.

SUGGESTIONS on self discovery


[ Everybody wants to give free suggestions as this makes our Ego strong... hahahah...................]

If you really want to discover yourself then following things must be kept in mind

1. Try to figure out whether there is the desire "to know yourself" there anywhere in the list of your top desires that you are pursuing?

2. Apply the same series of techniques/ways/steps which you apply to fulfill other desires/projects i.e.

(a) think why do you want to fulfill this desire at all----

(b) try to have as much information as you can ----

(c) try to understand the background of the desire as well as techniques--

(d) Go to the spiritual market as you go to the regular worldly market for other desires-----

(e) apply hit and trial technique and make assessment of progress on your own or let it be known through others----

(f) don't get hurt even if you get cheated...have patience

(g) let the frustration/helplessness/hopelessness go on increasing.............

3. A time/moment may come when you come to the conclusion that the very desire to know yourself was unfounded and after that perhaps you will be able to realise that all techniques are futile.

4. Never believe others advice like "there is nothing to do, nowhere to go, all techniques are futile, like that....". Have faith on your own logic and rationale.

5. Always be scientific in your approach as you do for other things in your life.

6. In anyway you are not going to loose anything except perhaps a part of time and energy.